“Good health is a great crown worn by those healthy and visible only to those unhealthy.. If death conquers our life, ill health cripples our movements and makes our living extremely miserable.
However, it has been scientifically proved that all those who are constantly loved by someone, recover from their ill health condition miraculously and all those who are constantly hated by someone, go through prolonged suffering.. This is also an undeniable law of Cosmos that is unequivocally endorsed by Nature” – Yours Lovingly
All religions and all religious texts have been for ages unconditionally propagating that, “however incurable they are, God cures all diseases “.. True, but why is it so.. It is so because the intensity of God’s love for the humans is much higher than the intensity of human’s love for God.
And it is this strong and unconditional love of God, for the humanity, that enables Him to karmically cure even the worst of our incurable diseases, most of the times in a miraculous way and on some occasions in a mysterious way.. But the inscrutable point of Maya here is, “He makes us believe Doctors cured our disease”.. PERIOD
This miraculous and mysterious incident
Am referring to – a sort of which you may have never heard before in your life – had occurred in the city of Hyderabad, in India, a couple of decades ago.. This incident quite emphatically proves to the world that,
“Complex words like impossible and incurable do not exist in the dictionary of God and His ineffable love for humanity can remove any problem we have in our life and can cure any disease we are suffering from”.
Secondly, this incident also quite authoritatively confirms to the world, once again though, that, “Bhagawan Sriram Sir is the human form of Lord Krishna”.. Most importantly, it may be interesting to note here that,
“If Lord Sri Venkateswara is the Divine Incarnation of Lord Sri Krishna, then, Sriram Sir is the human form of Lord Sri Venakteswara”
Did you get my point.. ??..
You didn’t ..??..
You don’t need to..
Just keep reading this life changing article and it will help you clearly understand, in a few minutes, everything that am now trying to say.
Please go through..
This incident occurred sometime during the year 1995 or 96 in the life of Venkata Krishna, who was a staunch follower of Bhagawan Sriram Sir for more than three decades.. He was a renowned Advocate of Andhra Pradesh High Court, those days, and passed away a few years ago at a ripe age of 78.
In his long association with Sriram Sir, Venkata Krishna had many miraculous experiences in one of which Sriram Sir had suddenly produced a Salagrama stone from nowhere and gifted it to Venkata Krishna when he once had complained severe pain and inconvenience in his heart.
A regular drinking of water, in which that Salagrama stone was immersed, had completely and miraculously cured Venkata Krishna’s heart problem for which he had never used any other cardiac drug.
Venkata Krishna had many more such miraculous experiences, in his three decades of association with Sir, and that had made him submit all his problems to his beloved Bhagwan and unconditionally surrender himself at His holy Lotus feet.
Now, here’s the actual miraculous incident
In those days of 1995- 96, Venkateswar Rao, a nephew of Venkata Krishna (his elder brother’s son), was working as an Engineer in the Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) the now defunct enterprise of govt. of India.
As the name suggests, ECIL was an electronics goods manufacturing enterprise that would manufacture the famous EC Television sets of those days of 80s in India..
On that eventful day in 1995,
While Venkateswara Rao was working in his office, one of his colleagues had sought his help in fixing a problem in the manufacturing unit..
Rao went there immediately and without taking any precautions whatsoever tried to mix the highly inflammable Zirconium with another dangerous chemical.. As per the instructions given in the texts of Chemistry,
“When preparing a chemical mixture using Zirconium, extreme precaution should be taken failing which fire may erupt in a flash due to faulty chemical action”.
Although Venkateswar Rao was aware of this vital rule, he forgot it during those ill fated moments of his life and tried to mix Zirconium with another chemical in exactly the same way he shouldn’t have mixed.
Fate doesn’t have mercy so do harsh chemicals..
As a result, that unusual mixture of the two highly sensitive chemicals had caused an irrevocable chemical reaction in that place and within one by millionth of a second, triggered a big fire that appeared in the form of a huge fire ball, right in front of the face of Rao, and had fully burnt his face, hands and eyes..
Everything happened in seconds, right in front of everyone there.. In a way, that deadly chemical fire had mercilessly pierced through the eyes of Rao.
Before, Rao could even realize what he had done and what was happening to him, fire had completely burnt his face, neck, hands and eyes.
Trying to cover his burning face, with both his hands, Rao started running madly, here and there, and had also started moaning loudly with excruciatingly unbearable pain.. He just could not open his eyes nor could he even see anything in front of him.
All that he could see was complete darkness in the field of his vision.. Within seconds, the fire had captured his face and within milliseconds many countless boils have erupted all over his face.
Rao’s shocked colleagues came running to him but could not offer any solace to him as the situation had already by then completely gone out of their hands.. Screaming painfully so, for a few more heart breaking moments, the hapless Venakteswara Rao had gradually, and thankfully so, slipped into a state of unconsciousness.
The fully panicked administration officials of ECIL have immediately shifted Rao to Nizam’s Orthopedic Hospital in Hyderabad.
After observing the severity in the condition of Rao’s face and more so in his eyes, the duty Doctors there have pleaded total helplessness and have quietly advised his colleagues to rush him to the famous Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital in the Mehdipatnam area of Hyderabad.
The Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, known for it’s “State of the Art” equipment and technology to treat diseases in general ophthalmology and specialties, was named after the renowned Nightingale of India, Sarojini Devi Naidu who was born in Hyderabad.
The globally popular Indian Ophthalmologists and Surgeons, Dr.Siva Reddy and Dr. Ranga Reddy were from this famous hospital.. In fact, Dr.Ranga Reddy was the Superintendent of the Hospital, during those days, when this incident had occurred.. PERIOD
On hearing the news

About the untimely tragedy in the life of his beloved nephew, a fully shocked Venkata Krishna, immediately rushed to Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital.. With bandages all over his face and eyes, Rao was lying on the bed, that time, in a horrible condition.
On looking Venkata Rishna entering the room, Rao’s wife got up; received him; and then walked slowly to her husband’s bedside and whispered in his ears, “your uncle Venakta Krishna garu had come to see you”.
Holding Venakta Krishna’s hands, Rao woefully broke down into uncontrollable tears and asked him in a pathetic tone, “Uncle will I ever get back my eyesight.. Will I be able to see you all again.. Doctors say it is difficult.. What do you say uncle.. Will I ever get back my eyesight..??”
Venkata Krishna could not give any convincing answer immediately.. However, after a few seconds of silence, holding both his beloved nephew’s hands affectionately, Venakta Krishna, with immense faith and belief in the divine powers of his God Sriram Sir, had told him in a firm tone,
“Don’t worry Venkateswara.. There won’t be blindness in your fate.. You shall certainly get get your vision bacl.. Trust me”..
Fine.. But how.. First of all, what confidence had made Venkata Krishna say that or which Divine Force had made him say that or Who had made him say that.. But still he said..
Because, after about a few days, that was exactly what had happened in the fate of Venkateswara Rao as he had not only regained his complete vision but had also attained absolute normalcy in the tone and texture of his facial and body skin, which was fully burnt and turned completely black, just like an over burnt utensil in a kitchen.
(Those were exactly the words, in Telugu, used by Mr. Giri, son of Sri. Venkata Krishna, whom I called on the night of 4th of May, 2017 to know the complete details of that ill fated freak accident).
Please continue reading
The very next day, Venkata Krishna had visited his cousin, Dr.Ramachandran, a reputed senior Ophthalmologist in Hyderabad, and shown him all the reports of his nephew.. After carefully examining all the reports, Ramachandran had told Venkata Krishna, what he was praying not to hear, “difficult”.
Venkata Krishna, who was still not prepared to give up, requested his cousin to once go along with him to the hospital and personally see the patient.. As he could not say no to his cousin, Ramachandran had gone to Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, along with Venkata Krishna, to personally see Venkateswara Rao .
Dr. Ranga Reddy also joined Ramachandran in that visit and they together have once again cautiously and carefully assessed everything, related to Venkateswara Rao’s case, and also discussed all the further ways and means to know if there’s at least a remote chance of saving his vision.
Sadly, however, they could not find any way out and quite apologetically have conveyed the same to a hapless looking Venkata Krishna..
A shocked Venkata Krishna had then thought,
“Now, only my Cosmic Doctor, Sriram, can save my nephew”.
After thinking so, Venkata Krishna had immediately called Sriram Sir, who at that time was working as an English Lecturer in the Nizamabad Polytechnic College, and explained Him everything and also requested Him to come to Hyderabad to see his nephew.
Sir quietly listened to everything that Venkata Krishna had told Him and concluded the call, saying,” shall try to come in the next couple of days”..
However, much to the surprise of Venkata Krishna, Sir had come to Hyderabad the very next day and headed straight to Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital along with Venkata Krishna..
After entering the ward room..
The Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient Bhagwan Sriram Sir had slowly walked in His own inimitable style, adjusting the strap of the mysterious black bag that He always carries along with Him on His shoulders, to the bedside of Venkateswara Rao.
He Just bent over him and remained so looking at Rao’s face and body for a couple of silent minutes.. Noticing Sir’s Divine Presence around him, Rao quickly offered his Pranams to Sir.
Quietly acknowledging Rao’s pranams, Sir slowly turned back and walked out of the ward room without uttering a word.. There was a great seriousness in Sir’s face, that moment..
A slightly disappointed Venkata Krishna went hurriedly running behind Sir..
However, observing seriousness in Sir’s face he could not utter a word..
He just continued walking alongside Sir in the corridors of the Hospital..
Later, after boarding the Car, Venkata Krishna in a pleading tone had asked Sir, “Sir, what do you say”..
Without turning His head, Sir just smiled and said, “wait for a couple of days”..
Then it happened
May be for the first time in the Anno Domini era.. You may have read instances from the holy Bible that say, “Jesus Christ had granted vision to a blind person”.. However, there are no such known instances in this modern era that would make such claims.. (There may be a few but am not aware).
If that is so, then what ‘God Incognito’, Bhagawan Sriram Sir had done in Venkateswara Rao’s case, on that historic day, is no less a miracle that scientists can define nor atheists can defy. PERIOD
Here’s what had happened..
Hold your breath and read every word carefully from hereafter because you may see the divine presence of Sriram Sir any moment in any of those words in front of you or may be in every word.
Who knows..??..
A few hours after Sriram Sir had left the hospital,
Venkateswara Rao slowly got up from his bed and requested his wife to guide him to the washroom..
She cautiously lifted her husband from the bed and carefully took him to the washroom and after making sure that he had gone inside, stood quietly outside, waiting for his return.
After about a minute,
Inside the washroom..
Venkateswara Rao slowly approached the wash basin area..
To wash his hands and face.
While washing his hands,
Venkateswara Rao,
Lifted his head..
Looked into the mirror in front of him..
Received the shock of his life..
There in the mirror..
Saw a blurred image of his own face..
After looking continuously so,
For a few more breath stopping seconds,
He had clearly seen his face in the mirror..
Just as clearly,
As he had seen it before that freak accident..
For a moment,
Rao couldn’t believe his eyes..
Couldn’t believe his senses..
Couldn’t believe in anything that was there around him in the bathroom..
And after he could finally believe..
That a miracle happened in his life..
Rao just broke down into endless tears of a joy filled ecstasy..
Shouting loudly, “Am seeing.. Am seeing”..
Rao hurriedly came running out from the bathroom..
His shocked wife, standing outside the bathroom, could not for a few seconds understand what her husband was saying..
After thoroughly examining Venkateswara Rao’s eyes and reports, the Doctors of Sarojini Devi Hospital, Ranga Reddy and others were shocked with Rao’s sudden regaining of his lost vision.
They just couldn’t understand what had suddenly happened to him because they were pretty sure there’s no way he could regain his vision..
Then how..??..
After a further intensive study, the renowned Ophthalmologists have come to a conclusion saying,
“Mr Rao, there’s nothing that all the medical knowledge in the world could have done to save your eyes.. However, you got them back.. We are glad about it and happy for you.. We did medically nothing to help your cause.. Therefore, it’s not a marvel of medicine but a miracle of God, Whom you trusted.. Yes.. We believe.. God exists”.
What is more miraculous here is,
“Venkateswara Rao’s facial skin too had become completely normal just as normal as it was before the accident.. This is something that would baffle any great Dermatologist or a Cosmetic Surgeon”
Narrating me this whole episode in detail, Sri. Giri, son of Sri. Venakta Krishna, had concluded the conversation, saying,
“Aditya garu, Venkateswara Rao is now retired from his service and leading a peaceful life in Hyderabad.. He looks absolutely normal today.. You will not believe, unless he tells you, that he had once met with such a ghastly accident in his life”. PERIOD
“My dear Giri garu, why would I not believe.. Am also a humble follower of Bhagwan Sriram Sir Who had mercifully granted vision, on my request, to my beloved Mother in 2004 who lost it due to her bad health condition”.
Love and hatred are the two most essential sub elements of Nature.. They are neither completely positive in their characteristic traits nor completely negative.. Anything in excess of these two in humanity causes a disturbance in the cycle of harmony which is why no human being on this planet is either loved constantly by someone or hated constantly by someone.
To love or to be loved and to hate and to be hated occur not by our choices but by our actions.. Remember.. You reap what you sow and you get back what you give.. So stop hating anyone and from hereon learn to love even the most undeserving person to be loved..
Because love earns love and hatred earns hatred.. This is a simple Law Of Nature God wants us to practice not only for our good health but also for our well being.. Stay blessed forever, my friend, basking under the divine glory of Bhagwan Sriram Sir”..
My humble salutations to Bhagawan Sriram Sir..
Narrenaditya Komaragiri
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