“May all the divine Powers together with the Waters join our two hearts in one.. May the Messenger, the Creator, and Holy Obedience unite us” – Rig Veda X. 85. 47.
It Was Exactly On This Auspicious Day
Of Vijaya Dasami in 2014, I have launched this website www.tirumalesa.com which is now a Temple for hundreds of thousands of it’s ardent followers across the world..
In these five years, tirumalesa.com had presented many never before heard miraculous true life stories and spellbinding incidents that have transformed millions of lives across the world.
About an year ago,
After am frustrated and angered with many loose security features, on one of India’s most popular matrimony websites wherein I have registered for my elder daughter, I have decided to launch a fully secured matrimony website, exclusively for Hindus, called the ‘Tirumalesa Matrimony’.
After struggling hard for more than 12 months, just to make Tirumalesa Matrimony the most secured matrimony website ever for it’s users, am now opening this sacred Matrimony website for registration today, on this auspicious day of Vijaya Dasami.
Before proceeding for registration, I want you to read the following unique features of this fully secured Matrimony Website site that will not only help you understand how secured this site is for you, but, will also explain you how safe it is for you to register with this site for a marriage.. Good Luck
8 Amazing Unique Features Of Tirumalesa Matrimony

1. Tirumalesa Matrimony is exclusively for Hindus and shall forever remain for Hindus only.. However, all castes, categorized as Hindus, may register with this site.
2. At Tirumalesa Matrimony, utmost security is provided to each and every profile and this is the core feature of this site. All the registered profiles here are stored and secured in a secret server. Only authorized staff members will have access to them.
3. All the registered users will have a dedicated dashboard to upload their images, add and edit a detailed category wise profile, mention partner preferences, set priorities, specify requirements and also say a little more about themselves if they have anything more to say.
4. Thereafter, we at Tirumalesa Matrimony, study your profile, understand your partner preferences, note your priorities and manually conduct all the search for you and send you only handpicked high quality profiles that automatically appear on your dashboard. This is a unique profile safety feature no other matrimony site in India is currently offering.
5. Also, for the first time in India, we have developed a smart dashboard that would automatically reject or prevent any profile, from appearing on your dashboard, if that is not matching at least the top five priorities of your partner preferences. That means even if we want to send you an unwanted profile we won’t be able to, because, your dashboard rejects it.

6. Another most important feature of Tirumalesa Matrimony is,“your subscription is valid until the day you receive from us the complete number of profiles that we promised to send you at the time of your registration”.
7. To summarize everything, “with our sincere prayers to Holy Lord Sri Venkateswara, we at Tirumalesa Matrimony ensure you marriages not just profiles; make marriages not just money”..
And for that, we would do all the hard work for you and also search for you the most ideal life partner. All that you have to do is, “just relax and go through the profiles we send you periodically”.
8. Every work here at Tirumalesa Matrimony is carried out in the name of Bhagawan Sri Venkateswara and it is to Him we all report our duties. By registering your profile with us today, you are only adding Security to your profile, Safety to your identity, Certainty to your marriage and Serenity to your life.
Go ahead. Register. And relax. From hereon, it becomes our duty to take care of your marriage.
“Sriyah kanthaya kalyana nidhaye nidhayerthinam.. Sri Venkata nivasaya Srinivasaya Mangalam“
Please Click Here to proceed to the beautifully designed highly secured Tirumalesa Matrimony site and safely proceed through the registration process.. Good Luck.
Hare Srinivasa
Narrenaditya Komaragiri
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