“As long as the Sun rises in the East, the holy Tirumala temple shall exist; and as long as the holy Tirumala temple shall exist, the two oil lamps in the garbha griha shall exist; and as long as the two oil lamps in the garbha griha shall exist, humanity on this planet shall exist” – Yours Obediently
Ever since I made an announcement, more than a year ago, about the power packed book ‘God On Call’, that am writing on the divine glory of Lord Sri Venkateswara, the response from readers from across the world has been extremely amazing and overwhelming.
Thankfully, many readers have also come forward, from many different parts of the world, to be one of the honorable sponsors to this path breaking book.. My sincere thanks to them all once again, now.
Although, I have planned to release the God On Call book, quite long ago, I could not do that owing to several reasons.. The primary reason being the lack of that extraordinary content that I have promised to offer to the readers..
Hence, it took more time for me, than expected, to search and find out that top class content for the book.. Finally, after a thorough study and understanding of various aspects related to my chosen topics, I have identified twelve amazing stories for this book..
The main idea behind writing this book is to tell the world, in an emphatic fashion, that a powerful God by name Lord Sri Venakteswara exists on the Seshachala Hills and if only you can surrender yourself unconditionally to Him, He shall take good care of you and your life.
Here Are Some Of The Exciting Features Of God On Call Book
> In all, there are twelve spellbinding and heart touching true life stories in God On Call book that are based entirely on real life miraculous incidents that occurred in the lives of some ordinary, some extraordinary and some prominent personalities.
> All these stories have many divine powers of the Holy Lord Venkateswara, hidden deep inside them, and in my experience while reading them in Telugu, I have found that reading these stories offer a great solace to our mind and a greater relief to our problems.. Based on all my personal experiences, I can further confidently say,
> “God On Call” book is going to be a perfect antidote to all your existential loneliness and reading any story from this book at any point of time in your life shall eliminate all your gloominess, drive away all your problems, remove all the obstacles on your way and fill your mind with great divine light that would show you a new path and a new direction.. This is my promise which is why am very confidently calling this God On Call book, a life changing book and a world changing book”.
> If you are an atheist, God On Call turns you towards God; if you are a skeptic, God On Call cleans your mind; and if you are a devotee, God On Call enhances your devotion.
> Most important point.. Nobility comes first to tirumalesa.com and then comes business.. Therefore, I have decided to donate twenty percent of all the earnings from this book to charity.. Stay tuned for more updates..
Release Of God On Call Book
God On Call will first be released in Hyderabad on the 24th of March, 2017 by none other than “Daivam Maanusha Rupena”, Sriram Sir in the presence of some eminent personalities..
Let me share here with you an amazing divine coincidence.. I do not normally believe in Muhuraths nor in any auspicious days or dates.. All I look for is a Friday, which is the most auspicious day of the week for me ever since I had that amazing experience in the Tirumala Temple on that night of Friday, the 4th of April, 2014.
Here in this case, I wanted my book to be released on a Friday before the popular Telugu New Year festival, Ugadi which happens to be on the 29th of March, 2017, this year.. So March 24th is the only Friday left for me before Ugadi..
Later, to my utter surprise, I have found that 24th March is not only a Friday but is also an Ekadasi and more importantly has the auspicious presence of star Sravana – the birth star of Lord Venkateswara – in that day.
This proves, “if only there’s nobility in your thoughts; honesty in your deeds; and clarity in your actions, then you shall undoubtedly have the blessings and approval of our beloved Holy Lord Venkateswara to all that you wish to do in your life”.. PEACE TO ALL
Here’s The Invitation

More than two million people all over the world have read my life changing six part story series, “An Incredible True Story Of A Miracle Man Who Is Seeing Your Tomorrow” that I have written on ‘Daivam Maanusha Rupena’, Sriram Sir in Jan – Feb, 2016.
Ever since, many of them just wanted to see Sir and listen to Him speaking.. In the process, many readers in America had a great opportunity to attend Sir’s meeting held at the Harvard University, Boston, USA in September, 2016..
Later, when I announced a special day long meeting of Sriram Sir, that was held exclusively for the readers of tirumalesa.com on the 24th of December, 2016 in Hyderabad, nearly 250 readers came from different parts of the world to attend this historic meeting and were spell bound seeing Sir performing a mind boggling miracle..
By doing so, Sriram Sir had quite authoritatively proved to the world that He’s indeed ‘Daivam Maanusha Rupena’ (God In Human Form).. Please Click Here to read the spellbinding article that tells you everything that had happened in that 24th December historic Divine Sriram Sir meeting in Hyderabad..
Due to lack of space, I could not accommodate many readers in that meeting and had to close down the registration midway.. Felt really bad.. However, to compensate for the same I have gotten another opportunity to invite you all to another historic meeting to see Sriram Sir again and listen to Him speaking..
If you want to attend this God On Call book launch meeting in Hyderabad, on the 24th of March, 2017, please send your mail with all your details like, who you are, where you are coming from, how many of you are coming, who is the main contact person among you, his contact details and a copy of the photo id of that person..
Since many prominent personalities, many senior IAS officers, media and VVIPs would be attending this meeting, there may be a security check at the venue..
Therefore, the main contact person among you should be able to produce a valid photo ID card, at the the time of registration before the meeting.. The meeting will be held in a three star or a five star hotel in Hyderabad and a lavish wide spread all vegetarian buffet dinner follows in the end..
Please note.. Personal appointments and discussions with Sriram Sir are ruled out.. Please do not try to reach Him nor seek His contact details.. He doesn’t like it.. If you just want to see the God in human form and listen to Him speaking then you are most welcome to attend the meeting otherwise please stay away..
Please mail all your details to tirusriramsir@gmail.com and I shall get back to you at the earliest with all the details of venue, the agenda of the final program and the per head expenditure you need to bear with to attend this meeting.. Please note.. Children below five years are not allowed..
Narrenaditya Komaragiri
To know more about the author please click here