Tirumalesa.com is a website owned and promoted by Narrenaditya Komaragiri, an award winning Creative Director and Writer from the city of Hyderabad, Telangana, India..
Nareenaditya holds a Master’s degree in English and had started his career as an English Lecturer in Hyderabad… Later, he qualified for the post of an officer in a Nationalized Bank in India, however,he did not join it since he wanted to explore career opportunities in the field of creativity and entertainment..
Narrenaditya currently has about twenty years of experience in the Indian Television and Advertising industry.. He worked in various capacities, in the above mentioned fields, as Producer, Creative Director and also as a Writer..
He worked on many Television and Advertising projects in Mumbai,Delhi,Chennai,Bangalore and also in Hyderabad and had received compliments from eminent personalities for his brilliance in the execution of the said creative projects..
Narrenaditya had also received many job offers from major international production houses, however,he did not show any interest in them as they demanded the shifting of his family to foreign destinations, which he’s never interested in doing..
After experiencing an inexplicably great divine bliss in the Tirumala temple on the evening of 4th April, 2014,Narrenaditya had created a Facebook fan page “Everthing About Lord Sri Venkateswara And Holy Tirumala” on 11th April,2014,and had started writing and sharing with many Facebook users what all he knows about Lord Sri Venkateswara and the Holy Tirumala Temple.
Now with an intention to do the same and share with the broader web world, what he knows about Lord Sri Venkateswara, Narrenaditya had created this amazing website, tirumalesa.com.. Please stay tuned for some authentic and mind blowing stuff on this site which you will not find anywhere on the web.
This is Narrenaditya’s Facebook profile : www.facebook.com/narrenaditya